Ceramic Fiber Refractory Felt

The Kitmas company offers fireproof felt of the European producer Morgan Advanced Materials. Due to the excellent thermal properties of felt based on ceramic fiber (refractory fiber), significant energy savings can be achieved. Felt is produced by hot pressing with the addition of organic binders to give the product a higher density. In the production of heat-insulating felt, only high-quality raw materials are used and advanced technological processes are used, thanks to which the materials (refractory felt) have excellent thermophysical characteristics.

The use of felt based on ceramic fiber (refractory fiber) is possible in solving almost all problems associated with high-temperature lining and thermal insulation, namely: the manufacture of die-cut forms, the use of high-temperature gaskets, thermal barriers, etc.

The main properties and characteristics of refractory felt: chemical stability, resistance to high temperatures, dimensional accuracy, low heat capacity and much more.
High-temperature insulation felt is resistant to high temperatures and thermal shock and offers a reliable and effective alternative to fiberglass, textile, metal, fireclay and asbestos materials. In addition, its price is almost comparable to its analogues, although the refractory felt produced by Morgan Advanced Materials surpasses them in terms of performance.

All of our thermal felts are made using high-temperature insulating fibers bonded with an organic binder that starts to fade at 180 ° C (356 ° F).

The range includes two grades of fiber:
- With alkaline earth silicate fiber (AES) backing made from Superwool ® low bio-resistant fiber
- With a base of refractory ceramic fibers (RCF), also known as aluminosilicate (RCF) - bulk fiber of Cerafelt ®, Cerachrome ® and K-Shield ™


AES (Superwool)

Superwool-based felt is durable and lightweight, so it is easy to cut with a saw, water jet or dies. It is resistant to wetting and chemical attack and is the only fiber with low biostability that has a classification temperature of 1300 ° C (2372 ° F).

Felt fibers are not classified as carcinogenic by either IARC or global national regulations. They do not have warning label requirements in accordance with the GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibers comply with the requirements specified in NOTA Q of European Directive 67/548. Therefore, all Superwool fiber products are not classified and labeled in Europe.



Cerafelt and Cerachrome ceramic fiber felt is highly durable and easy to handle. It can be carefully cut, making it ideal for making the most complex shapes and gaskets, even in thin sections. Cerafelt is rated at 1260 ° C (2300 ° F), while Cerachrome is rated at 1427 ° C (2600 ° F).

K-Shield is a high quality material with low thermal conductivity. It was developed for industries with high demands on materials such as aerospace and others.


The use of refractory felt is possible as a heat and sound insulation, in such cases as:
- High temperature gaskets and seals
- Compensators
- Stable insulation for molten metal


If you need advice on the use or on the purchase of refractory felt in Ukraine, please contact Kitmas specialists.