Products for passive fire insulation

Kitmas offers advanced FireMaster ® solutions for passive fire protection from leading manufacturer Morgan Thermal Ceramics. They are designed for various applications: from cable trays at industrial enterprises, duct windings in construction to monolithic structures for tunneling.
FireMaster products are highly effective flame retardant materials that provide fire resistance at high temperatures, weight and space savings with simple installation. Such engineering fire protection systems are commonly used in the oil, gas and chemical industries, tunnel construction and construction, and shipbuilding.



- High temperature 1200 ° C (2192 ° F) flame retardant
- Reliable and durable; do not become brittle or shrink during use
- Fully sealed in reinforced aluminum cladding for easy handling and installation
- Patented alkaline earth silicate (AES) fibers with low biostability for safer operation

FireMaster products are used in the construction, transportation and petrochemical sectors for a wide range of passive fire protection functions. Some typical uses for FireMaster products are:
- Commercial kitchen grease channels
- Ducts
- Life Safety Channels
- Stair ducts
- Exhaust ducts of drying chambers
- Hazardous gases and exhaust fumes
- Incinerators
- T-Rating collar for fire extinguishing systems
- Limiters of smoke and flame in the chambers
- Protection of the integrity of the electrical circuit
- Structural steel beams and columns


If you need advice on the application or on the purchase of ireMaster refractory insulation in Ukraine, please contact Kitmas specialists.