Fibre Board and Shape High Temperature, High Performance Insulation

Kitmas offers high quality refractory boards manufactured by Morgan Advanced Materials.

We manufacture high temperature insulating Fibre Boards and Shapes for use as back-up insulation or installed as hot face application solutions ranging from furnace linings to burner surrounds to hot tops. Thermal Ceramics manufactures in three chemistries Refractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF), Superwool Low Biopersistent Fibre (LBP) and Polycrystalline Fibres (PCW).

High temperature insulating Fibre Boards and Shapes are typically used for thermal management and the customization options are broad. We offer standard formulations, sizes and shapes typically found and required in the market. In addition, we have the capability to make custom forms to precise requirements.

Our range comprises three fibre grades:
- Low Bio-persistent Fibre products (LBP) boards and shapes made from our unique low bio-persistence Superwool® fibre
- Refractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) also known as Alumino Silicate Wool (ASW) boards and shapes made from Kaowool®, Cerafibre®, Cerachem® and Cerachrome®
- Polycrystalline Fibre (PCW) boards and shapes made from Alphawool® and Denka® 


LBP Fibres (Superwool)

Our Superwool Fibre Boards and shapes can be designed to be rigid, self-supporting insulation or manufactured into a flexible solution, with both providing exceptional performance-to-weight ratio and are resistant to most chemical attacks. Superwool Fibre Boards and Shapes offer a potential for space savings of up to 50% thickness when replacing insulating firebricks or castables. 

Our range of flexible Superwool Fibre Boards and Shapes feature good dimensional resilience after compression and makes utilization very easy where rigid products are unsuitable. Superwool is the only low bio persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300°C (2372°F). 

Superwool is an engineered solution that is ideally suited as an alternative solution to RCF based fibres in some applications.  Benefits of Superwool fibres are advantageous in many applications:
- Lower thermal conductivity over some RCF fibre materials resulting in an improved insulation performance by up to 20%
- Our Superwool Plus fibres feature less shot resulting in a tighter fiber matrix
- Lower density grade of Superwool in place of an RCF material features a material weight savings up to 25% 
- Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67/548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. 


RCF Fibres 

All our RCF Fibre Boards and Shapes can be machined to tight tolerances to create standard shapes or custom designs to meet individual needs. 

Kaowool Fibre Boards and Shapes feature low thermal conductivity, excellent thermal shock resistance and low heat storage for effective energy savings. These Fibre Boards and Shapes are mechanically strong and dimensionally stable up to 1649°C (3000°F). 

Cerafibre Boards and Shapes are also resistant to chemical attack and thermal shock resistance. They are classified to 1400°C (2552°F) and perform exceptionally well in application with direct flame impingement. 


PCW Fibres

Our PCW fibres are ideal for high temperature and chemically aggressive applications. These fibres are manufactured by sol-gel technology using processes specifically designed to produce fibres of defined dimensions. 

Alphawool and Denka boards and shapes are more resistant to acid and alkaline solutions than conventional alumino-silicate fibre products and have exceptionally good thermal insulation characteristics. They are classified to 1600°C (2912°F). They are both offered as rigid or flexible products. 

Our advanced manufacturing processes allow us to make precise Fibre Shapes to meet customers’ exact application requirements; ranging from simple sections such as fibre boards, sleeves and cones to complex configurations. These products are used to protect equipment, conserve energy, and improve process performance in demanding high temperature applications such as:
- Furnace, kiln and oven hot face linings
- Insulation for appliances and equipment used in high temperature processing
- Combustion chambers, for domestic appliances
- Heat shields
- High temperature gaskets and seals
- Contact parts for non-ferrous metals processing including molten aluminium 

We have the applications expertise to design, manufacture and install optimum thermal solutions for individual customer challenges

On the issue of consultation and purchase of refractory heat-insulating boards, please contact our specialists!